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Retail Jobs Fair

Date: 16th September 2016

Location: Telford Shopping Centre, outside Primark

Time: 08:00 - 16:00

The Job Box Team will be showcasing retail vacancies on behalf of local retail employers. If you are looking for part time, temporary or permanent work pop along and see the opportunities.

Retail Jobs Fair

Retail Jobs Fair

The Job Box Team return for the 3rd year to showcase retail job vacancies on behalf of local employers. 

Retailers are recruiting now for seasonal vacancies which can lead to permanent employment.  There will also be permanent vacancies on display.

Out experienced job box officers will also be able to provide you with any advice and information you need when looking for that next job.

So if you are looking for work pop along and see us on 16th and 17th September at Telford Shopping Centre outside Primark.

Cost: FREE