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Job box Apprenticeship Grant Help a Magic Dozen

Published: Thursday, 11 August 2016

Magiboards Apprentice

Twelve businesses have been able to offer apprenticeships to young people thanks to grants from Telford & Wrekin Councils Job Box

Twelve businesses have been able to offer apprenticeships to young people thanks to grants from Telford & Wrekin Council.

The Telford Jobbox Apprenticeship Grant was introduced to help small businesses employ an apprentice. It is part of the Council’s youth unemployment programme to help young people find work and tackle previously high levels of unemployment in the area.

The grant, of between £1,000 and £1,500 is open to businesses within Telford and Wrekin who employ fewer than 50 people. Businesses outside the borough can also apply if they employ a Telford and Wrekin resident (subject to eligibility conditions). The Telford Jobbox Apprenticeship Grant can be claimed in addition to the National Apprenticeship AGE grant. 

Five years ago, ‘Magiboards’, based in Stafford Park, Telford, recruited its first apprentice who now runs the company’s accounts department. It currently employs two further apprentices in its Production and Sales Departments; both with the use of the National Apprenticeship AGE grant, one with the additional use of the Telford Jobbox grant. The company, which manufactures whiteboards and noticeboards, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and has been based in Telford for more than 30 years.

‘Magiboards’ Director Angela van der Stap said: "Obtaining this funding through the Telford Job Box Apprenticeship Grant scheme has enabled us to grow our business and take on two new members of staff who we can train and develop through our apprenticeship programme. Without these grants this would not have been possible.”

Councillor Gilly Reynolds, cabinet member for education, employment and regeneration, said: “Apprenticeships are really proving their worth both for the apprentice, by helping them find work and start a new career and for the business employing them, by helping them grow. The Jobbox grants on offer helps make it happen.”

If you are a small business looking to employ an apprentice, the Business Support Team and a Skills Specialist to support you through the whole process. Application forms and further details can be obtained by emailing [email protected], or calling 01952 567 589

For further information about Magiboards visit