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Steep decrease in Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) figures

Published: Wednesday, 13 May 2015

The latest monthly unemployment figures show a steeper decrease in those claiming JSA in Telford and Wrekin than regionally or nationally.

The latest monthly unemployment figures show a steeper decrease in those claiming JSA in Telford and Wrekin than regionally or nationally.

The number of people claiming JSA was down by 85, from 2,055 in March to 1,970 in April, a fall of 4.1 per cent (compared to a fall of 2.8 per cent in the West Midlands and 3.6 per cent in England).

In the past 12 months, from April 2014 to April 2015, there are 1,225 less people claiming JSA, a fall of 38.3 per cent. Again this figure shows a quicker reduction in those claiming JSA in Telford and Wrekin than in the West Midlands (30.1 per cent) and England (31.9 per cent).

In early 2014, Telford & Wrekin Council committed to tackling high youth unemployment in the borough.

The Job Box was launched in March 2014 and includes existing and new initiatives with an emphasis on helping young people who are out of work.

The Job Box team offers a wide range of services to unemployed people in Telford and Wrekin, including FutureFocus for those under 19 years old and Job Junctions which are open to everyone.

The number of 16 – 24 year olds claiming JSA also continues to fall, there were 560 in the borough in April 2015, a fall of 15 from the previous month.

There are 435 less young people claiming JSA than a year ago, a fall of 43.7 per cent (compared to a fall of 37.9 per cent in the West Midlands and 40.3 per cent in England).

Kate Callis, Telford & Wrekin Council Assistant Director for Development, Business and Employment, said:

“The number of JSA claimants in Telford and Wrekin continues to fall at a faster rate than regionally or nationally."

“The latest figures show how well the Job Box services are working for local people and helping to get them into employment or training."

“They are also a clear indication that our economy is growing and that there is an increasing number of jobs out there."

“We’re keen to ensure that unemployment figures in the borough continue on a downward trend and that we help our residents to find employment and training opportunities that work for them and also meet the needs of our employers.”

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