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Women in Engineering Day

Date: 23rd June 2016

Location: HS2, 2 Snow Hill, Birmingham, B4 6GA

Time: 09:30 - 11:30

HS2 Ltd are hosting a coffee morning for women who are interested in careers in engineering.

If you are looking for a career change, or are a returner from maternity seeking advice on your next move or would like some information on what we do and how we can support a career in engineering and construction, come and meet the team. Our event promises to be informative, engaging and inspiring.

We Are currently hiring across various functions including Engineering, Project Management, Project Controls and Programme Management.

You will join an inclusive organisation where we value flexible working, opportunities to continue learning and fulfilling your long-term potential. Don't miss out on the chance to get to know us better and discover why High Speed Two can really take you places

Cost: FREE