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Youth unemployment halved in Telford and Wrekin
Published: Thursday, 23 July 2015
Youth unemployment in Telford and Wrekin has halved in the last 12 months between April 2014 and March 2015, according to figures released today by the Office for National Statistics.
Youth unemployment in Telford and Wrekin has halved in the last 12 months between April 2014 and March 2015, according to figures released today by the Office for National Statistics.
The fall of 50 per cent for 16 – 24 year olds out of work in the borough is almost double the fall for the West Midlands, at 25.7 per cent, and almost three times as fast as the fall in England, at 17.1 per cent.
The overall number of people out of work in Telford and Wrekin also continues to fall faster than nationally and regionally.
The number of people unemployed in the borough fell by 1,800 between April 2014 and March 2015, an annual fall of 27.7 per cent compared to a fall of 21.5 per cent for the West Midlands and 17.4 per cent for England.
Telford & Wrekin Council’s Job Box aims to tackle youth unemployment in the borough.
The Job Box includes existing and new initiatives with an emphasis on helping young people who are out of work.
The Job Box team offers a wide range of services to unemployed people in Telford and Wrekin, including FutureFocus for those under 19 years old and Job Junctions which are open to everyone.
Councillor Gilly Reynolds, cabinet member for Employment and Skills, said:
“The number of people out of work in Telford and Wrekin continues to fall much quicker than regionally or nationally, which is great news.
The latest figures show how well the Job Box services are working for local people and helping to get them into employment or training.
We’re keen to ensure that unemployment figures in the borough continue on a downward trend and that we help our residents to find employment and training opportunities that work for them and also meet the needs of our employers.”
More information can be found at, by emailing [email protected] or on social media:
- Twitter @telfordjobbox
- Facebook /telfordjobbox